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DES Dynamic Data
Improving FieldTemplates

The FieldTemplate is a central element of ASP.NET Dynamic Data. It supplies the user interface for a single data type and mode (readonly, edit, or insert). DES Dynamic Data starts its enhancements by providing a richer base class for FieldTemplates (DESFieldTemplateUserControl) that lightens the load on the code needed in the actual FieldTemplates. Here are other enhancements:

  • Replacements for all existing FieldTemplates, to support the DES Validation Framework, utilize DES's extended FieldTemplate base classes, and to introduce new properties that make the FieldTemplates more flexible.
  • FieldTemplates for each of its datatype oriented textboxes: Integer, Decimal, Currency, Percent, Date, Time, Duration, MonthYear, and Anniversary. There are specialized FieldTemplates too: Calendar_Edit.ascx uses the DES Calendar control for Dates; Measurement for integers and decimals that reflect a measurement; and for Telerik RadControls users, templates built upon many of their data entry controls. See below.
  • FieldTemplates can be customized without modification through the Customizer control, which you add to your web form. The Customizer control establishes page-level rules for various types of fields, such as showing the currency symbol on all currency fields.
    The Customizer control is also where you define the error messages for validators, to override the ValidationAttributes, which define error messages globallly.
  • You will not need to add any Validators to your FieldTemplates. Instead, you add the ColumnValidatorManager control which uses your business logic to create your validators. As a result, you are assured that your FieldTemplates always have the correct validation, even if the business logic later changes.
  • Use the ICustomizeFieldTemplate interface to change the controls generated by the FieldTemplate at runtime. For example, to make modifications that vary based on the current data.
  • Uses a new FieldTemplateFactory class (DESFieldTemplateFactory) to lookup FieldTemplates according to rules you define. It provides aliases to map the requested template name to a new name and the ability to look for FieldTemplates in several folders. The rules are defined in an xml file.
  • When creating your own FieldTemplates, start with rich base classes where you only need to supply the actual web controls. All of the logic for data binding is handled. So is applying settings from the Customizer control. This greatly simplifies creating new FieldTemplates and eliminates bugs.
  • The code behind files are eliminated. While code behind has a purpose, when you need to duplicate web forms, they can cause problems, especially with regard to namespaces. Many times you end up with two web forms that have the same class and namespace, causing compilation errors. Since DES moves most of the code into its base classes, the remaining code on a FieldTemplate is so small, that the benefits of single file outweigh the benefits of code behind.
    You can still use code behind files in FieldTemplates that you create.
FieldTemplates provided with DES Dynamic Data

DES Dynamic Data has replacements for every FieldTemplate supplied with ASP.NET Dynamic Data. It does this because it works from an enhanced version of the FieldTemplateUserControl class. Don't worry, installation will copy your existing templates to a subfolder of the FieldTemplates folder.

DES Dynamic Data has increased the available data types too. So there are many new FieldTemplates offered.

Template name DataControl type DataTypes Notes
Anniversary.ascx Label DateTime  
Anniversary_Edit.ascx AnniversaryTextBox DateTime  
Boolean.ascx Image Boolean Displays different images 
BooleanLabel.ascx Label Boolean  
BooleanCheckBox.ascx Checkbox Boolean Checkbox is disabled 
Boolean_Edit.ascx Checkbox Boolean  
Calendar_Edit.ascx Calendar (DES) DateTime Use UIHint(“Calendar”) on DateTime 
Children.ascx Hyperlink   Goes to the related table
Currency.ascx Label Double, Decimal  
Currency_Edit.ascx CurrencyTextBox Double, Decimal  
Date.ascx Label DateTime  
Date_Edit.ascx DateTextBox DateTime  
DateTime.ascx Label DateTime  
DateTime_Edit.ascx DateTextBox and TimeOfDayTextBox DateTime  
DbImage.ascx Image Binary (image) Display an image
DbImage_Edit.ascx Image Binary (image) Display and upload an image
Decimal.ascx Label Double, Decimal  
Decimal_Edit.ascx DecimalTextBox Double, Decimal  
Duration.ascx Label DateTime, Double, Decimal, Integer  
Duration_Edit.ascx DurationTextBox DateTime, Double, Decimal, Integer  
Enumerated.ascx Label Integer, String Optionally maps the raw value to different text.
Enumerated_Edit.ascx DropDownList Integer, String Optionally maps the raw value to different text.
ForeignKey.ascx HyperLink   Links to a PageTemplate showing the details of a record. 
ForeignKey_Edit.ascx DropDownList    
Integer.ascx Label Integer  
Integer_Edit.ascx IntegerTextBox Integer  
Measurement.ascx Label Integer, Double, Decimal Specialized number that includes a label
Measurement_Edit.ascx IntegerTextBox or DecimalTextBox Integer, Double, Decimal Specialized number that includes a label
MonthYear.ascx Label DateTime  
MonthYear_Edit.ascx MonthYearTextBox DateTime  
MultilineText_Edit.ascx TextBox (TextMode=Multiline) String Offers a TextCounter control.
Password.ascx Label String Shows “*****” instead of the password
Password_Edit.ascx FilteredTextBox (TextMode=Password) String  
Percent.ascx Label Double, Decimal  
Percent_Edit.ascx PercentTextBox Double, Decimal  
Text.ascx Label String Also used by multiline text in readonly mode.
Text_Edit.ascx FilteredTextBox String Supports characterset filtering
Time.ascx Label DateTime  
Time_Edit.ascx TimeOfDayTextBox DateTime  
Url.ascx Hyperlink String Provide a hyperlink for the URL
Url_Edit.ascx TextBox String  
UrlAsImage.ascx Image String Display an image associated with the URL
UrlAsImage_Edit.ascx Image and TextBox String  

If you use Telerik RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, it also provides FieldTemplates that merge the RadControls data entry controls with the DES Validation Framework as shown here:

Template name DataControl type DataTypes Notes
Currency_Edit.ascx RadNumericTextBox Decimal, Double  
Date_Edit.ascx RadDatePicker DateTime  
DateTime_Edit.ascx RadDateTimePicker DateTime  
Decimal_Edit.ascx RadNumericTextBox Decimal, Double  
Enumerated_Edit.ascx RadCombobox Integer, String  
ForeignKey_Edit.ascx RadCombox    
Html_Edit.ascx RadEditor String Use DataTypeAttribute with DataType=Html.
Integer_Edit.ascx RadNumericTextBox Integer  
Measurement_Edit.ascx RadNumericTextBox Integer, Decimal, or Double  
MultilineText_Edit.ascx RadTextBox (TextMode=Multline) String  
Percent_Edit.ascx RadNumericTextBox Decimal or Double  
Text_Edit.ascx RadTextBox String  
Time_Edit.ascx RadTimePicker DateTime  
