Color Selector Controls v1.0 is
free, this is copyrighted software and requires a license to use. You must
register yourself or company as the licensee of this software in the form below.
The registration must be accurate and complete or you will NOT have a valid
Read the license agreement.When
you submit this form, you will be emailed a confirmation with instructions to
finish the download process.
If you enter an invalid email address, you will
not receive these instructions and will not be able to download the product.If you already have a serial number for Color Selector Controls v1.0, click
here to
get the latest update.
Company Name
If this is for personal use, enter "PERSONAL".
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Contact Person's Name
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Street Address
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State or Province
If you do not live in the United States or Canada, leave this field blank.
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Zip/Postal Code
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Email Address
This address will receive the email with your registration information. If you
enter an invalid email address, you will not be able to download the product.
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License Agreement
| Read the license agreement.
| |
| Click here if you are using the FAST ENTRY method described above.