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Posted on: 8/17/2002
Announcing Peter's Polling Package
Polling is one of the most common ways to get the user to interact with your site. Often sites will offer polling simply to have something to draw users back to the site. Peter's Polling Package is quite simply the most complete ASP.NET Polling system available, designed to help you generate more return traffic.
Attract users with a great looking poll, as this control has over 30 properties and templates to customize its appearance.
Give users different polls throughout your site to keep their interest. Select polls based on anything you know about the user such as their interests, location, and buying habits.
Learn how polls are performing with usage reporting. Use this to tune your polls data and appearance.
Manage a database of polls easily with polished, easy-to-use, administration tools.
Peter's Polling Package is available with per server and site licenses. You can try it first with a trial version. It works with databases that support Sql and OleDb connections. Source code is also available.
Learn much more, and take a tour of every property, the administration tools, and usage reports at:
For more information, contact Peter Blum at PLBlum@PeterBlum.com.
PeterBlum.com is a web site loaded with controls and classes for the .Net developer. It's most popular products are the DateTextBox, which provides an elegant ASP.NET control for entering dates and Traffic Monitor, a better way to collect web traffic for use in your traffic reporting software.
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