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Demo with many of the
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This demo puts together most of the controls offered by Peter's Data Entry Suite ("DES"), except those in the BLD module. DES's controls are designed around form entry. Here is a data entry form that gathers personal information as part of making an appointment. As you explore this form and fill it in, the field with focus shows an interactive hint below the form to describe the Peter's Data Entry Suite feature involved.
An illegal entry was made using Script or SQL Injection.
It has been logged.
Fields marked
require an entry.
Errors were found.
United States
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip Code
Phone Number
Date and Time
Appointment Duration
Blocks (1 block = 30 minutes)
Total time:
Appointment Options
Dance Lessons (req: 1 hr minimum)
Learn an instrument
Bake a cake
Use the tanning salon
Investigate the meaning of life
Select at least one appointment option
As you use this demo, here are a few of the more subtle features you will see:
Focus is set to the Country DropDownList as the page is loaded. (If you clicked and move the focus, just hit Refresh to have the page reload.)
The Submit button is initially disabled. An edit enables it by using the ChangeMonitor.
Click Submit to see the ability to block submitting the page when there are errors and to show a ValidationSummary control at the bottom.
PeterBlum.com does not capture anything you enter here. However, since you are sending data through the Internet, it is wise to avoid entering personal information.
The Phone Number field is actually two separate controls, a MultiSegmentDataEntry control and DES TextBox. The MultiSegmentDataEntry control is used when the Country is United States or Canada. The DES TextBox is for all other countries. Two FieldStateControllers are used to change the visibility of these two controls as the Country control changes.
Validators assigned to the Phone Number fields also use their Enabler property to determine if their field is visible. There are two sets of validators on the two Phone number controls and only one set should be enabled at a time.
The Postal Code field also has several validators which are enabled depending on the Country DropDownList because of the differences in postal code formats.
The Appointment Duration field calculates the total minutes using a CalculationController that evaluates the Blocks textbox times 30.
The Submit button prompts to confirm save. It uses a property on the DES Button control to supply the prompt. It can prompt either before or after the form is validated on the client-side. In this case, its set to prompt after validation.
When you click Submit and there is a validation error, this page has been configured to blink the error messages 3 times. You can determine if you want any blinking and how many times it blinks.
The Submit button will disable as it submits the page.
The ValidationSummary control is setup to offer hyperlinks on its error messages that set focus to the field with the error.
The ValidationSummary control is setup to automatically update as fields are fixed.
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