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VAM: Visual Input Security  
Current Release: 3.0.11  Release History  |  Get this Update  | Learn about the Upgrade

VAM: Visual Input Security is now Peter's Input Security

VAM: Visual Input Security originated in 2004 as a companion to Professional Validation And More v2. In January 2008, it was renamed to Peter's Input Security, a module of a suite of almost 90 web controls called Peter's Data Entry Suite.

 Learn about Peter's Input Security 

Upgrade path to Peter's Input Security

Peter's Input Security is intended to be the next version of VAM: Visual Input Security. Product development has stopped on VAM: Visual Input Security. Peter's Input Security is where product development will continue. Users are recommended to upgrade to take advantage of new features and support of future technologies.

 Upgrade Details and Ordering Information 

Continuing with VAM: Visual Input Security v3

The current release of VAM: Visual Input Security is v3.0.11. Peter intends to maintain the codebase for serious issues, at least through 2008. Do not expect support of new technologies or third party controls that are not presently supported.

Use Technical Support to inform Peter of problems and get hotfixes.

 Get the Latest Service Release 

If you need additional VAM: Visual Input Security Web Server licenses, order Peter's Input Security Web Server licenses. Then email Peter and request a license for VAM: Visual Input Security. Supply your new Peter's Input Security serial number. Peter will provide you with a license file using that same serial number.

If you want to upgrade to a Site license, you only need a total of 5 Web Server licenses. Use the above instructions to order enough Web Server licenses to have 5. Ask Peter for instructions to convert the Web Server licenses to a Site license.